![]() | Adres: PO BOX 1393 Plot 117 Alphalaan, Vastfontein, Pretoria, 0120. PYRAMID PRETORIA South Africa |
![]() | Kontakpersoon: DAAN Selnommer.: 079 5333 828 Daan ![]() Epos: info@maranatasorgsentrum.co.za Webwerf: www.maranatasorgsentrum.co.za |
![]() | eienaar Naam: Daan Lensley Selnommer.: 079 5333 828 Tel nr: 079 5333 828 Epos: info@maranatasorgsentrum.co.za |
![]() | Aanwysings: Neem die N1 rigting noord vanaf Pumulani plaza, ry onderdeur die Petroport, dis die restaurant oor die snelweg tot by Wallmansthal tolhek. Vanaf Wallmansthal tolhek draai links en volg die pad tot u die ou Warmbadpad kry en draai regs. Daar is bordjies wat aandui. Volg die pad wat saam die treinspoor volg tot Lusthof en draai dan links daar by Lusthof en volg die pad sonder om af te draai tot u oor die Apiesrivier gery het. Sowat 300 meter na die rivier is die eerste pad na regs Apiesrivierweg, draai daar regs en dan dadelik links in Alpha laan, ry tot by plot 117. Dis sowat 'n kilometer op die grondpad. Take the N1 direction north of Pumulani plaza, continue under the Petroport, it's the restaurant across the highway to Wallmansthal toll. From Wallmansthal toll turn left and follow the road until you get the old Warmbaths road and turn right. There are signs indicating. Follow the path along the railway to follow Lusthof and turn left there by Lusthof and follow the path without turning off until you have the Apiesriver drove. Approximately 300 meters to the river is the first road to the right Apiesriver Drive, turn right and then immediately left into Alpha Avenue, drive to plot 117. It's about a mile on the dirt.
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